Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ring Ring

At 730 this morning. With my current family situation, I was not sure what to expect, but I new it was not good news. Grandma told Grandpa that she was ready to go and that she wanted to be taken off of the ventilator.
After several phone calls and many many tears, my mom and sisters were on the way to the hospital to say goodbye. I did get to talk to her even though she was unable to speak she tapped the phone to let me know that she could hear me.
After a long day, she is still breathing on her own even though her oxygen concentration in her blood is dropping and she is having a little trouble digesting food.
I will miss her.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The choices we are faced with

My phone rang about 930 this morning. "Grandpa calling" it told me. My brain said, "If something is wrong, they will call back, you are on vacation, sleep more." So I did. Whom ever was calling left a message. 20 minutes later, my Dad text messaged me. So I got up and called him back. He told me something about my grandmother not doing so well in the hospital and I needed to call mom because of something. So I called mom. Then I called grandpa. Grandpa's made it sound like the physician was telling him he needed to make a decision on pulling my Grandmother off of life support or not (TODAY). I freak out, call the hospital, talk to the physician, and realize the misunderstanding. (Which I am not happy about saying was mine. I told mom not to tell me anything important with in the first waking hour or so of my day!) What needed to be discussed was life support measures in the future. is a nasty thing and it will keep you in and out of the hospital for years.
She was in the hospital for 6 weeks then went home for 4 days. I spoke to her while she was home and she sounded better than she had in a few months. Her spirit was very high and she was happy. This is what a COPDer goes through in the end. (Remember that the human body does its own thing and 'THE END' of any illness and it can take from minutes to years.)
After calling the hospital I called my Grandfather back and told him that he and Grandma needed to make a decision on how much longer they wanted to go through this. Long story short, she said she did not want the ventilator anymore.
Thus begain the hunt for the Living Will.


I have spent the last few days on and off packing. IT BLOWS. I hate it.......did I mention it blows. Yesterday I packed as long as I could stand it and Ronnie and I started playing PS2. Great stress relief. Blowing shit up!
Today, we made 2 trips to the storage unit. All I have left are 3 end tables (that my computer sits on), my bed, a 3 drawer plastic dresser with the 'necessities', my jackets, TV, DVD's (that are all ready boxed but still here for emergencies), and shit to bring to the boat (and where am I going to put it all!?).
Yesterday and this morning I spent most of the day packing in between loading cd's on to my computer to put on my new iPOD (thanks Dad! Love ya). I would get a CD loaded, then pack a few things, change the CD, tape a box, play PS2 for a few minutes until I get annihilated by the bad guy, pack a box, change the CD, eat, change the CD, finnish that box, change the CD, listen to a few songs, tape the box, put the box in the living room, change the CD. Does anyone else notice a trend. No wonder it took so long to pack!


There is this great little bakery in,+WA. They have the most awesome food. Everything is pretty much home made and it is YUMMY. The hand made bread is like 3x the size of the crap you by in the store and it is so soft. I love the blue berry muffins (and so does everyone else, because if you don't get there by 930 or 10 for breakfast, they are GONE!)
Then Ronnie decided to go for a ride. It was cool and if I had a better camera lens, I would have taken some pictures....(Karyn, what should I buy?) But I did see my first deer in Washington. It was pretty cool!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A long time commin'

I got My ESWS! For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, check this out ESWS. Now all I have to do is my Air Warfare.